Remote Support

Do you need remote support?

Chances are, you’ve been directed to this page by one of our friendly technicians.

Please click on the button below that matches your computer. When the download has completed, run the downloaded program and provide the 9 digit code to your technician.

This will allow us to remotely access your computer and assist you.

Click the button below to download for a Windows based computer or laptop
Click the button below to download for an Apple Mac computer or laptop


Not sure what to look for or worried about something that’s popped up?

Your browser will download a file that looks like one of these, depending on Windows or Mac. Click it to run it. Depending on your browser, it may be in the top right-hand corner of your screen, or on a bar across the bottom.

The Windows installer will pop up with a box that looks like this. Click ‘Yes’.

Once it has loaded, you will see a box pop up saying it is a customised SOS app. This is OK – it just means that we’ve created a special installer for our staff to help you with. You can click OK.